Presentation at International e-Conference: «Promoting European values in the time of social distancing»
Tzagkarakis St. – I, – Kritas D. (2020), Learning for Democracy: Experiential learning of EU as a tool for European citizenship and democratic values awareness, International e-Conference: «Promoting European values in the time of social distancing» in has been organized in according «The Erasmus+ KA3 “Teachers4Europe: Setting up an Agora for Democratic Culture (2018-2021) Program» project, 6-7 June 2020
Available at: Experiential-learning-of-EU-by-simulation-on-European-2 (1)
Webinar: Introduction to the European Parliament Simulation for Teachers4Europe Project
The presentation of the webinar entitled "Introduction to the European Parliament Simulation for Teachers4Europe Project". Available at: webinar-Teachers4Europe (1)
The Simulation's Study Guide
The Simulation's Study Guide is available at: Study Guide EP Simulation excersise